Dental implants

Premium materials
All on 4 in 1 day
Ankylos and Nobel biocare implants
Decades of work experience
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Krilova 9, Novi Sad

(381) 21 300 65 21

new now dental implants

Dental implants Novi Sad

Dental implants are a replacement for a missing tooth, made of titanium, a completely biocompatible material.
A dental implant is inserted into the jaw through a surgical procedure, and depending on the case and the number of missing teeth, a certain prosthetic construction is placed - a dental crown or a dental bridge. This means that dental implants can be a replacement for one tooth, but also a support when a higher tooth in a row is missing. There are solutions that solve complete toothlessness using only 4 dental implants, better known as all on 4.


How will dental implants help you?

  • Dental implants completely take over the function of a natural tooth
  • With dental implants, the decay of the remaining bone is prevented, which prevents the decay of the jaws and helps preserve healthy teeth
  • With dental implants, we enable fully functional chewing, liquid intake and speech
  • Dental implant solutions are long-lasting and aesthetically the best solutions
  • By installing dental implants, we will prevent changes in facial structures that occur due to missing teeth


Advantages of dental implants

Natural appearance and function

Dental implants perfectly imitate natural teeth, providing an aesthetically beautiful smile and full chewing functionality.

With proper oral hygiene, implants can last a lifetime, providing a safe and stable solution to missing teeth.

Dental implants stimulate the jawbone and prevent its resorption, thus preserving the natural anatomy of the face.

Unlike prostheses, they enable clear pronunciation and unhindered consumption of all types of food.

Implants are placed independently, without the need to grind healthy teeth as with bridges.

Implants are placed independently, without the need to grind healthy teeth as with bridges.

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