we want to dedicate ourselves to you
We solved even the most difficult cases.
Markov Dental Clinic is an office for implantology, maxillofacial and oral surgery, general and aesthetic dentistry, prosthetics and orthodontics.
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Our core values
ALL on 4 in 4 steps
From total toothlessness to a smile for the day
We use Nobel speedy dental implants specially designed for the all on 4 method of the Nobel biocare company. These implants are considered the highest quality implants in the world.
Our work
Your smile is important
Our satisfied patients
We are a clinic whose mission is quality.
Mladjo MladjoАприл 30, 2024Trustindex потврђује да је оригинални извор рецензије Google. Ovom prilikom želim da pohvalim kompletnu ekipu na čelu sa dr. Markovom. Odlično obavljen posao korišćenjem vrhunskog materijala, rezultat iznad svih očekivanja. Urednost i ljubaznost kakvu rijetko srećete, svima bi ih preporučio. Mladen B. Visnja VisnjaАприл 25, 2024Trustindex потврђује да је оригинални извор рецензије Google. Moram da pohvalim i dr. Markov i sestru na izuzetnoj ljubaznosti i korektnosti iako sam bila samo na pregledu bez ikakvog rada. Ove dve osobine su veoma vazne za ovu profesiju da bi se pacijent osecao prijatno i ispostovano. Bila sam bojazljiva jer sam prethodno bila na par pregleda gde su mi udarali po zubima, sto namerno, sto slucajno, bez potrebe, a to je veoma neprijatno. Koliko znam po zubu se udari sa metalnom drskom instrumenta da se proveri o cemu se radi i to kad se pacijent zali da ga jako boli zub, ako se sumnja na propadanje zivca u tom zubu. Moze doktor da mi odgovori na ovo ako hoce- Kad je opravdano lupati po zubima sa metalnom drskom ? Dr Markov mi je pregledao zube bez udaranja po njima i dao mi je savet i zahvaljujem mu se ! Tako da je pregled protekao bezbolno ! Usput sam primetila da je higijena u ordinaciji na nivou i da su obzirni prema pacijentima u svim detaljima ! Svako dobro za sve zaposlene u ovoj ordinaciji ! Marina VysotskaiaАприл 24, 2024Trustindex потврђује да је оригинални извор рецензије Google. Высокопрофессиональный сервис! Высококлассное обслуживание на всех уровнях, начиная от дверей и заканчивая креслом специалиста. Идеальная чистота и стерильность. Улыбчивые, умные и терпеливые доктора - перфекционисты. Невероятные вежливые и очень приятные медсестры, говорящие на английском (если вам важно). Мой любимый доктор Весна, доверила бы ее рукам, не задумываясь, любого члена моей семьи (что уже сделано, только к ней с зубными проблемами ходит и мой муж и мои дети). Оценка 100 из 5, и этого все равно мало! Veronika BrezinováАприл 17, 2024Trustindex потврђује да је оригинални извор рецензије Google. Markov Dental Clinic in Novi Sad exceeded my expectations! Dr. Marjan and Dr. Markov provided exceptional care, explaining each procedure thoroughly and ensuring my comfort throughout. Their professionalism and genuine compassion were evident. The clinic is modern and well-equipped. As someone coming from Slovakia, I highly recommend Markov Dental Clinic for top-quality dental care in Novi Sad. rajko KlajicАприл 16, 2024Trustindex потврђује да је оригинални извор рецензије Google. Želim prvenstveno naglasiti ljubaznost I profesionalnost celog tima u Klinici Dr. Markov. Isto tako sve postojece pružene usluge su nenadmašivie, od efikasne komunikacije do posvećenosti da se pacijenti osecaju uvaženi i zadovoljni. Posebno je važno naglasiti vrhunsku i nenadmašivu stručnost Dr. Markova i njegovih najbližih saradnika koji su pokazali da je pacijent i kvaliteta usluga na prvom mestu. Hvala na ljubaznosti i osećali smo se kao deo familije svaki put kad smo ušli u vašu kliniku. Bez ustezanja svima preporučujemo Dr. Markov Dental Clinic. . Zelimo Vam uspešan rad. Stefan KvočkaМарт 26, 2024Trustindex потврђује да је оригинални извор рецензије Google. Odlično iskustvo, ceo tim na čelu sa doktorom Markovom vrhunski. Maksimalno posvećeni svom poslu i pacijentu, profesionalni, ljubazni i uvek nasmejani. Sve pohvale za doktora i osoblje! BenМарт 24, 2024Trustindex потврђује да је оригинални извор рецензије Google. This Clinic changed my life for better and I am very thankful for that. I was searching long and finally my intuition leaded to them because I saw on their website that they are able to solve the most difficult cases and my issue was challengeable too. I arrived with cysts, worn out teeth and gaps between them. They made possible for me what was almost impossible via their maximum commitment, wide knowledge, remarkable experience, implementing the newest achievements and highest standards in this field. It was longer journey but on the end the deserved results came. Finally I got long lasting gorgeous teeth and 100% functionality. They did great job and exceeded my expectations. When I am looking in mirror there are no difference between my new zirconia crowns and the crowns of world famous actors. I like my new smile (“facelift” 😊) very very much. They are treated me with great care and kindness all time. Additionally, I got useful instructions how to keep my crowns for long time. Thank you very much to all of you. You are a great team. We are keeping in touch and see you soon on regular checks. Neda GambirozaДецембар 14, 2023Trustindex потврђује да је оригинални извор рецензије Google. Very clean and welcoming dental clinic. Friendly staff and very knowledgeable dentist! My routine dental cleaning was very comfortable 😁 Excellent with kids too!
They build your smile
Our experts
The team of surgeons and dentists will make your smile healthy and beautiful with maximum dedication, knowledge and understanding.
Dr sci. med. Borislav Markov
maxillofacial and oral surgeon, implantologist
Dr Katarina Benja Nemet
Founder's word
Behind our words stand our deeds. Behind our deeds stands our knowledge.
Maxillofacial surgery and implantology are fields that, accept medical and dental knowledge, call for continual practice and manual skills. It is impossible to perform surgery occasionally, once or twice a month. What we do is top quality surgery and dentistry. We do not accept any less than that. Complete dedication to every individual patient is our way of doing it. And why we do it that way- because we want top quality for our patients.
We are not the clinic that guarantees the cheapest implants that will give you a two-day shining smile. Why? Because our mission as the clinic is the quality, and we find it our responsibility. Because we want results of our work to last for a long time. Because we do not want you to have a problem. Because we stand behind our work.
At this place you can only get the highest quality with the highest professionalism of the staff. At Markov Dental Clinic we use and install only premium quality materials and products. We do not accept average and we do not accept work that is not extraordinary.
We are a clinic where dentists and oral surgeons send their patients when a case is difficult, because we know how to deal with it. When we finish the surgical part of the treatment, patients return to their dentist for further planned treatment. In case you do not have your dentist, we are here to give you our full support.
Our door will always be open for our fellow dentists that want to cooperate for the full benefit of the patient. We provide individual and group education. In addition to advice and top quality surgical services, we offer full support in the case of complications which we deal with professionally and enthusiastically.
Our work is well documented. Each patient that comes with a referral letter will receive a report. Each patient is informed about costs in advance. We do not give nor seal fictitious guarantees. We stand behind everything with our professional and personal integrity.
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Mark's dental clinic
A place that makes a smile