Dr Marijan Živković
Dr. Marijan Živković is a dentist at Markov Dental Clinic practice.
Marijan Živković was born on December 8, 1990 in Novi Sad. In his hometown, he finished elementary school "Žarko Zrenjanin", then high school "Jovan Jovanović Zmaj".
In 2010, he entered the Faculty of Medicine, Department of Dentistry in Novi Sad. Already during his studies, he realized that skills, manual ability, and the ability to communicate with patients are very important both for working in the office and for raising awareness about oral hygiene. That is why already during his studies he became active and was present in leading or organizing student activities during the World Oral Health Day.
Also, already during his studies, he perfected his professional expression in Hungarian, German and English. Soon after, he finished his basic academic studies. He regularly completes his further professional training at endodontic seminars, and thus he enrolled for the first time in November 2023 for "Mechanical treatment of canals" in Belgrade.
He actively follows the most modern world works and cases. Another field of interest for his training is "Application of lasers in dentistry", which he attended in 2023 at a professional seminar in Novi Sad.

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