Removal of the buccal fat pad to define the face


Buccal fat the surgery, also known as buccal fat pad removal, is becoming increasingly popular among patients who want to achieve a more subtle, defined facial appearance. This cosmetic procedure involves removing excess fatty tissue from the cheeks, resulting in more prominent cheekbones and a smoother jawline.

When it comes to buccal fat operation, it is important that it is performed by experienced maxillofacial surgeon. The reason for this lies in the complexity of the facial anatomy. Maxillofacial surgeons have a deep understanding of the muscles, bones and nerve structures in the facial area, which allows them to precisely and safely remove fat tissue without damaging the surrounding structures. This expertise reduces the risk of complications and ensures optimal aesthetic results.

Decades of experience
Work on difficult cases
buccal fat removal surgery



Tooth cyst extraction is a procedure performed to remove a tooth cyst and preserve oral health. First, the dentist will perform a thorough diagnosis to confirm the presence of a cyst on the tooth and assess its size and location. Depending on this, it may be necessary to take an X-ray to get a more detailed examination.

When the need for cyst removal is determined, oral and maxillofacial surgeon Dr Borislav Markov will explain the procedure itself. In most cases, the extraction of a cyst on a tooth is done by oral surgery, while for more difficult cases it is required maxillofacial surgeon. At Markov Dental Clinic, oral and maxillofacial surgeon Dr. Borislav Markov performs this procedure.

First, local anesthesia is administered to provide comfort during the procedure. Next, the surgeon makes a small incision in the gums to access the cyst. After that, the cyst on the tooth is carefully removed along with the surrounding tissue or bone if necessary. After removing the cyst on the tooth, the wound is usually sutured.

It is important to note that tooth cyst extraction is a procedure that should be performed by professional staff. The oral surgeon will monitor the procedure and provide you with post-operative care instructions to help you recover as quickly as possible. Depending on the size and complexity of the cyst on the tooth, it may take several visits to the dentist to ensure complete healing.

How is a cystectomy performed, that is, how is a cyst on a tooth removed?

A cyst on a tooth is removed in a procedure called a cystectomy. Cystectomy is performed under local anesthesia, which enables a painless and safe procedure. The dentist makes a small incision in the gums to access the cyst and then carefully removes the cyst along with any damaged tissue. If necessary, the root of the tooth can also be treated to prevent the recurrence of the cyst.

Recovery after cystectomy, i.e. removal of a cyst on a tooth

After the procedure, it is important to follow the dentist's instructions to ensure a successful recovery. Most patients experience minimal discomfort after the procedure, and full recovery usually takes several weeks.


Dr sci. med. Borislav Markov

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