Reconstruction of both jaws with the ALL ON 4 method
Ksenija came to us with full confidence on her brother's recommendation. Ksenia sent her 3D recording via email, so she didn't come to the first live screening. We placed 4 in the lower jaw dental implant and Xenia received temporary teeth in 24 hours using the all on 4 method, while we had two potential options in the upper jaw - if we were to do fixed work, we would have to place zygomatic implants, or to make Ksenia a clasp prosthesis and let's place 4 standard dental implants. Ksenia opted for the second option, so we set 4 for her Ankylos dental implant and a clip-on prosthesis, while below were a hybrid bridge.
A smile before the procedure
A smile after the procedure
We removed existing unhealthy teeth
We installed 8 dental implants - 4 in the upper jaw (Ankylos) and 4 (Nobel biocare) in the lower jaw