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Markov Dental Clinic

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Dr Borislav Markov
our founder

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Krilova 9, 21000, Novi Sad


+381 69 300 65 21

wisdom tooth extraction new now

Wisdom tooth extraction Novi Sad

Wisdom tooth extraction is a common procedure performed by an oral surgeon when a wisdom tooth grows in and causes pain or discomfort in the jaw. Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to grow in the jaw, and they are often problematic due to insufficient space for their growth. When problems arise with wisdom teeth, such as pain, swelling, infection, or irregular growth, an oral surgeon will usually recommend wisdom teeth extraction. The procedure itself is usually performed under local anesthesia and lasts only a few minutes. After wisdom tooth extraction, patients may experience slight discomfort and swelling, but this will subside after a few days.

It is important for you to know that there are complicated wisdom tooth extraction procedures that are routine for an experienced and expert surgeon, but can be a significant challenge for many dentists and surgeons. In order to avoid complications, it is important that you are examined and the procedure performed by a good specialist.

Markov Dental Clinic performs these procedures Dr. Sci. honey Borislav Markov, who has decades of experience in the field maxillofacial, oral surgery and implantology.


Frequently asked questions

What if wisdom tooth extraction is delayed?
delaying the extraction of wisdom teeth is not the best option because there can be significant complications when it comes to the patient's oral health. Practically speaking, the longer you wait, the greater the chance of problems. When you avoid wisdom tooth extraction, resorption of the root of the adjacent tooth, fractures, but also the development of cysts and tumors can occur.
Wisdom teeth growing in the wrong direction
Wisdom teeth can partially erupt or grow in a completely wrong direction. In addition to being able to damage the health of other teeth, wisdom teeth that have grown in this way can cause caries, bacteria and prevent the patient from properly maintaining dental hygiene, which most often leads to inflammatory processes and more serious health problems.
What does the procedure look like and what to expect?
The wisdom tooth extraction operation is performed under local anesthesia, which means that it is completely painless. During the procedure, an incision is made on the gingiva and part of the alveolar bone is removed. Through an opening made in the bone, the remaining root or retained/impacted tooth is extracted. At the end of the procedure, the wound is covered with gingiva, which is then sutured. The wound heals within 7 days, after which the stitches are removed. The bone regenerates spontaneously so that after a few months it fills the resulting defect. Wisdom tooth extraction is a routine surgical procedure and is an increasingly common procedure in dentistry today. Post-operative pain and slight swelling may occur after alveotomy, which is a normal reaction due to work on the tissue and is easily removed with bandages.
Tips after wisdom tooth extraction
After surgery, it is necessary to apply cold compresses to the operation site in order to reduce swelling. In case of pain, taking analgesics as recommended by the dentist. Taking antibiotics to shorten postoperative recovery. After 7 days, the stitches are removed, and all this time it is necessary to maintain oral hygiene as much as possible and to brush the wound with gentle movements in order to remove deposits. Rinsing the oral cavity with sage tea, salt water or an antiseptic. In case of slight bleeding from the stitches, a wet tea bag can be placed on them (black tea is recommended). After the procedure itself, it is advisable to eat liquid food, while avoiding hot drinks and hot food. It is recommended to avoid smoking immediately after the procedure. Avoiding alcohol consumption is recommended.

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